So it's been a while since the last entry and I've read quite a lot of comics since then. So instead of making longer individual posts for each of them I'll make one big for all of them. So here goes.
Super Secret Crisis War
Writer: Louise Simonson
Artist: Derek Charm
Publisher: IDW Publishing
My thoughts: It is really neat to see a crossover of some of my favourite cartoons from when I was a kid (Samurai Jack, Dexter's Laboratory, PowerPuff Girls and Ed, Edd 'n Eddy, Ben 10 is also in there but I never got into that show). And while the story is perfectly serviceable with the heroes teaming up to take on the unified villains from their respective shows it's played a bit too safe. Most of the action takes place on one space ship and the situations never gets quite as wacky as I was hoping it would. But it still has lots of fun moments, the villains are acting surprisingly smart (most of the time) and the art style works for all the different character designs (only Ben 10 looks a bit weird but that may be because he's the most realistic looking character). It's fun read.
Grade: Solid - 3
Samurai Jack #16
Writer: Jim Zub
Artist: Sergio Quijada
Publisher: IDW Publishing
My thoughts: A new storyline begins and a new artist joins the creative team. The fun thing about the comic is how accurate it manages to capture the feel of the cartoon, and this issue is no exception. The idea of a cult being formed around one dude claiming that he is learning how to control time fit right into the world, and is kinda reminiscent of old fantasy movies from the 80s. This issue also brings along the Thief, one of my faovurite one shot characters from the cartoon and I am really looking forward to him and Jack pulling off a daring heist next issue. My one complaint would be that Jack gets taken down by a bunch of faceless mooks. While this is not unprecedented as Jack is far from invincible and has been overwhelmed by superior numbers in the past it still felt like there were too few of the guards to pull that off. It's not a deal breaker but it did bug me a bit. Otherwise a fun new adventure for this sorely underappreciated series.
Grade: Solid - 3
X-men #24
Writer: G. Willow Wilson
Artists: Roland Boschi, Javi Fernandes, Jay Leisten & Mark Pennington
Publisher: Marvel
My thoughts: The X-men's spelunking adventures continue, this time with Psylocke being the main P.O.V. character. Nothing earth-shattering happens but it's a good super hero story with action, a little horror and a big mystery. Some good escapism.
Grade: Solid - 3
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #3
Writers: Kieron Gillen & Marguerite Bennett
Artists: Phil Jimenez & Stephanie Hans
Publisher: Marvel
My thoughts: This issue contains Angela getting a new outfit (an armor that on the whole looks really badass, even with the wings being full of 90s extreme sharpness), a rather understated reveal that Sera is a perfectly happy post-op transgendered angel (so yeay for progress) and a guest appearance by Guardians of the Galaxy who are being written in a way that isn't dreadfully boring (not a fan of the current Guardians book). I mainly appreciate how we finally see some chink in Angela's emotional armor, makes her somewhat easier to sympathise with as her motivations for kinda acting like douche are so far not entirely revealed. And the disir show up at the end, I always find the fun and look forward to Angela kicking their asses. So yeah, I'm still totally enjoying this series.
Grade: Solid - 3
Guardians 3000 #5
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Gerard Sandoval
Publisher: Marvel
My thoughts: The coolest thing about this issue is the idea of what has happened with Galactus. He's apparently turned into a giant black hole with millions of planets circling him like a halo. That is an awe-inspiring idea. I kinda want the story just to be about the Guardians acting as a special police force on the worlds cirling black hole Galactus. But what we've got with the time-distortions and the save the world from self-collapse is fun too. And as far as introductions go I do Nikki, even if she unintentionally screwed the pooch by blowing up informants, but thems the deals.
Grade: Solid - 3
Astro City #20
Writer: Kurt Busiek
Artist: Brent Eric Anderson
Publisher: Vertigo
My thoughts: The penultimate chapter to the not entirely but semi-self-destructive story of the heroine Quarrel. It continues to be an interesting story about the personal limits you might experience as a superhero who mainly relies on super tech and normal, but elite, athletic ability. She can't have a normal healthy relationship because she has too push herself harder than those with powers and she's feeling the affects of age a lot earlier. The cliffhanger at the end is great and really does leave it unclear whether this story will have a happy ending or not.
Grade: Solid - 3
Ms. Marvel #12
Writer: G. Willow Wilson
Artist: Elmo Bondoc
Publisher: Marvel
My thoughts: I picked this issue up solely because of the cover which contained Ms. Marvel, the current bishi-Loki and a valentine's day dance and that filled my mind with all kinds of possible shenanigans. And shenanigans there are. Loki acts as cupid, spikes a punch at a dance with truth serum and gets beat up at the end before everybody becomes friends (and the idiotic idea of the friend-zone is rebutted). It's just the kind of fun and light-hearted one shot story that can brighten up a bad day. I love it.
Grade: Great - 4
Captain America & The Mighty Avengers #5
Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Iban Coello
Publisher: Marvel
My thoughts: This is the best Avengers book on the market and it is woefully underappreciated. It manages to balance the silly yet awe-inspiring aspects of super heroes with a tasteful and mature approach that doesn't shy away from darker and scarier elements. And it finally has an awesome artist that captures the the energy of the story. My main concern is that it feels a bit like it's heading for a way too early and somewhat rushed ending, mainly seen in how quickly Luke Cage's story is progressing, which makes me concerned about the book's future. Marvel is probably going to cancel. That's annoying because it is awesome.
Grade: Great - 4
Loki: Agent of Asgard
Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Lee Garbett
Publisher: Marvel
My thoughts: This is a story where the main character is told by a multitude of people that he is scum and that he is from now on alone. It is sad and glorious at the same time to see everybody put down this new Loki who is trying to do good, and it is equally wonderful to see Loki turn the tables on at least one person and accuse them of always forcing him into his inevitable villain role. I personally put that into Loki's continued meta-level quest to become more than just a villain in a comic, which totally works. This is a dark and almost depressing fantasy story about a man trying to fight how the world sees him. It's firing on all cylinders and I am looking forward to just how dark it can get.
Grade: Great - 4
Red Lanterns vol. 5: Atrocities
Writers: Charles Soule, Robert Venditti & Tony Bedard
Artists: Alessandro Vitt, J. Calafiore, Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Guiellermo Ortego, Yildiray Cinar, Cory Smith, Miguel Sepulvedam, Billy Tan
Publisher: DC Comics
My thoughts: There is a lot of interesting variations on the theme of rage here, it was a brilliant idea to split up the Red Lanterns between two leaders, and there's plenty of epic moments, interesting character arcs and interactions and themes. But there are certain things in collection of issues that holds it back. If there was more time between the issue, like when they were originally published, certain plot points, like Skallox's apparent betrayal, might've been more suspenseful than what they end up being when you can just flipp a page to get to the next issue. Also, the final confrontation while fitting is somewhat anti-climactic, an issue I seem to be having stories more and more.
Grade: Solid - 3
Rat Queens vol. 1: Sass and Sorcery
Writer: Kurtis J. Wiebe
Artist: Roc Upchurch
Publisher: Image Comics
My thoughts: Oh dear this is fun one. I've always enjoyed stories that take place in fantasy settings but incorporates a modern day vernacular, there's just something odd enough about it that makes it fun. This is a comic that proudly treats its female characters the same way most writers only treat their male characters, without the slightest bit of consideration that their gender might be an issue for some stupid reason. But that's just a neat aspect of the comic, that I do greatly appreciate. What makes this comic good is the solid and engaging writing, fun characters that have a real joie de vivre depsite their personal problems and brutal action scenes. The plot involves a fun and different look at adventuring parties and how they affect their surrounding area and the villain is almost too sympathetic in their attempts to get the protagonists killed. This is a blast to read and I recommend it to everybody who enjoys fantasy stories.
Grade: Great - 4
Marvel Adventures Spider-man: Amazing
Writer: Paul Tobin
Aritsts: Matteo Lolli & Scott Koblish
Publisher: Marvel
My thoughts: This is a collection of Spider-man stories that were aimed at a younger audience and they're really good for the most part. The stories are a bit more simple without talking down to the intended readers, the characters act like normal people and the situations are the kind of fun, goofy and somewhat innocent things that you can't find in the regular Spider-man comics (that's a for better or worse situation). I also appreciate how the stories told in this series aren't just rehashes of older Spider-man stories. There are new characters, relationship and situations. It makes the comic feel fresh. However, each chapter feels like it ends rather suddenly and the collection ends at a point that gives the overall story a lack of closure. But despite that this is delightful little comic.
Grade: Solid - 3
And there we go. This was actually rather fun. I might go for this format instead. It'll be easier on me.
Have a nice day.
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